Android App Development Certification Training from edureka!

Android App Development Certification Training from edureka!

Android App Development Certification Training

Android App Development Certification Training

All those students and professionals who are keen to create amazing Apps in Android should go for this course.

Android is fast becoming one of the biggest platforms for programmers today. There is a huge demand for skilled Android developers all over the world. Most businesses across multiple domains are building Android Apps both for enterprise and retail products. Whether you are a student or in the IT industry, possessing Android Development skills will help you take the next big leap in your career. As a part of this course, you’ll develop your own mobile applications under the guidance of our expert instructors to give you a hands-on experience. This course is designed to help you become a top mobile app developer.

Our Android development online course is now certified by Google. Google plans to train 2M android developers in India in next 3 years as the app ecosystem grows stronger with advances in IOT, mobile devices and has chosen edureka as one of the partners to realize this goal.

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